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Carolina Claramunt

Liability Insurance

Liability Insurance

Liability insurance protects a company from any incurred expenses, resulting from damage to third parties, as well as the insured’s defense expenses, within the policy’s limits.



We require the following information about you, to make you a quote:
• Business address
• E-mail address.
• Number of employees (in-house).
• Number of employees (contractors).
• Average wages.
• Incident rate for the past five (5) years.
• Contract amount.
• Sum to be insured, e.g., UF 3,000, UF 5,000, etc.
• Number of vehicles with a weight capacity less than 750 kg.
• Number of vehicles with a weight capacity greater than 750 kg.
• Number of mobile pieces of equipment (cranes, forklifts, etc.).
• Company or jobsite locations (street, # and district).
• Annual sales or income of the company during 2023 and as projected for 2024.
• Policy term (from DD-MM-YYYY through DD-MM-YYYY).
• Business activity: precise details about what you do and the company’s structure.
• Name and Tax ID number of any additional insured parties (only in the event that additional insured parties are required).
• Description of the business/activity to be insured: it is of the utmost importance to detail the activity precisely and to draw attention to where the risk may be.
Download our liability questionnaire here.
We require the following information about you, to make you a quote:
• Business address.
• E-mail address.
• Number of employees (in-house).
• Number of employees (contractors).
• Average wages.
• Incident rate for the past five (5) years.
• Contract amount.
• Sum to be insured, e.g., UF 3,000, UF 5,000, etc.
• Number of vehicles with a weight capacity less than 750 kg.
• Number of vehicles with a weight capacity greater than 750 kg.
• Number of mobile pieces of equipment (cranes, forklifts, etc.).
• Company or jobsite locations (street, # and district).
• Annual sales or income of the company during 2023 and as projected for 2024.
• Policy term (from DD-MM-YYYY through DD-MM-YYYY).
• Business activity: precise details about what you do and the company’s structure.
• Name and Tax ID number of any additional insured parties (only in the event that additional insured parties are required).
• Description of the business/activity to be insured: it is of the utmost importance to detail the activity precisely and to draw attention to where the risk may be.
Download our liability questionnaire here.
As per the exclusions stated in Article 8, Title III, of the General Policy 120131531 and any riders.
• Underground mining works are not covered.
• Under/over water works are not covered.
• Events are not covered.
Any child-related activities (games, events, kindergartens); dock and bridge construction.

Why is liability insurance necessary?

Taking out liability insurance is essential for safeguarding a company’s assets from any potential third-party complaints or claims that relate to damage as a result of the activity of the company, its employees, contractors or subcontractors. This insurance provides not only protection but also legal advice within the insured limits, as well as coverage against legal contingencies.

What are the advantages of purchasing liability insurance?

Liability insurance ensures the financial safety of your company, against unexpected lawsuits that could result from its activity. Not only do these policies protect property but they also provide comprehensive coverage, insuring both the individual liable for the damage and the affected party. In addition, they help to safeguard the reputation of the insured company by providing robust defense in adversarial situations.
Frequently Asked Questions

Any person is at risk of causing damage to others at some point. Therefore, it is essential to mitigate that risk by purchasing a liability policy that protects your property. Increasingly, people require greater protection in this field, because of the potential adversarial situations they might face both in their private and work life. In addition, more and more laws require this type of insurance for a continually growing number of risks. Liability insurance is a comprehensive policy which covers virtually all the insured’s expectations, because of the Coverage it provides, and its rate can be aligned to the features and characteristics of the various risks involved.

Any individual or legal entity which engages in a business activity, resides in Chile and is subject to Chilean laws can be insured.

The cost of liability insurance depends on a relevant technical analysis, based on the type of risk and its characteristics, the time involved and the insured sum.

No. In this case, you can only get non-contractual liability insurance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Preguntas Frecuentes

Any person is at risk of causing damage to others at some point. Therefore, it is essential to mitigate that risk by purchasing a liability policy that protects your property. Increasingly, people require greater protection in this field, because of the potential adversarial situations they might face both in their private and work life. In addition, more and more laws require this type of insurance for a continually growing number of risks. Liability insurance is a comprehensive policy which covers virtually all the insured’s expectations, because of the Coverage it provides, and its rate can be aligned to the features and characteristics of the various risks involved.

Any individual or legal entity which engages in a business activity, resides in Chile and is subject to Chilean laws can be insured.

The cost of liability insurance depends on a relevant technical analysis, based on the type of risk and its characteristics, the time involved and the insured sum.

No. In this case, you can only get non-contractual liability insurance.

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