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Rafael Penchuk
Personal Accident Insurance
Personal Accident Insurance
Our personal accident insurance policy covers any damage a person may sustain that results from an accident. Our goal is to protect companies and people from the economic harm resulting from an accident; including bodily injuries, property damage, personal injury and other which may arise from your business operations.
- Accidental death, full and permanent disability, and dismemberment
- Reimbursement of medical expenses incurred from an accident
- Reimbursement of funeral expenses incurred from an accident
- Reimbursement of incurred transportation expenses
We require the following information, to make you a quote:
• Tax ID number of the contracting entity or party.
• Number of insured individuals and their roles.
• Policy term (from DD-MM-YYYY through DD-MM-YYYY)
• Number of insured individuals and their roles.
• Policy term (from DD-MM-YYYY through DD-MM-YYYY)
• Sum to be insured.
• Requested beneficiaries.
• Requested beneficiaries.
Information required for quotation:
• Tax ID number of the contracting entity or party.
• Number of insured individuals and their roles.
• Policy term (from DD-MM-YYYY through DD-MM-YYYY)
• Sum to be insured.
• Requested beneficiaries.
• Number of insured individuals and their roles.
• Policy term (from DD-MM-YYYY through DD-MM-YYYY)
• Sum to be insured.
• Requested beneficiaries.
• Plan A: Accidental death.
• Plan B: Total and permanent disability due to accident.
• Plan C: Dismemberment.
• Plan D: Reimbursement of medical expenses due to accidents.
• Plan E: Compensation for funeral expenses due to an accident.
• Plan F: Daily amount for hospitalization due to accident.
• Plan H: Compensation for replacement of injured worker. Reimbursement of transfer expenses.
• Plan B: Total and permanent disability due to accident.
• Plan C: Dismemberment.
• Plan D: Reimbursement of medical expenses due to accidents.
• Plan E: Compensation for funeral expenses due to an accident.
• Plan F: Daily amount for hospitalization due to accident.
• Plan H: Compensation for replacement of injured worker. Reimbursement of transfer expenses.
• Plan A: Accidental death.
• Plan B: Full and permanent disability resulting from an accident.
• Plan C: Dismemberment resulting from an accident.
• Plan D: Reimbursement of medical expenses resulting from an accident.
• Plan E: Compensation of funeral expenses resulting from an accident.
• Plan B: Full and permanent disability resulting from an accident.
• Plan C: Dismemberment resulting from an accident.
• Plan D: Reimbursement of medical expenses resulting from an accident.
• Plan E: Compensation of funeral expenses resulting from an accident.
• Plan F: Daily hospitalization costs resulting from an accident.
• Plan H: Compensation for the replacement of an injured worker. Reimbursement of transportation expenses.
As provided for in POL 320130570 and POL 320140219
• Any workers engaged in underground mining are excluded. Those workers who are not engaged in underground mining, but because of the characteristics of their role, might eventually go to such places, will be covered.
• Accidents resulting from toxic mold.
• Accidents resulting from electromagnetic fields (EMF).
• Any workers engaged in underground mining are excluded. Those workers who are not engaged in underground mining, but because of the characteristics of their role, might eventually go to such places, will be covered.
• Accidents resulting from toxic mold.
• Accidents resulting from electromagnetic fields (EMF).
Why is personal accident insurance necessary?
Incidents occur frequently, and can range from falls and cuts to crashes and asphyxiation. All of these events can significantly damage a person’s physical integrity, and can even cause loss of life or disability.
What are the advantages of purchasing personal accident insurance?
Those affected by an accident, which limits their physical capabilities, will receive compensation for the economic support required because of these unforeseen situations. In the event of accidental death, the deceased’s heirs will obtain economic assistance via a personal accident policy.
Frequently Asked Questions
Preguntas Frecuentes
Yes, because the personal accident policy works in parallel to the liability policy. In addition, it serves as a “first layer” for the latter by absorbing deductibles and a possible trial.
In any field that involves people who engage in various activities.
No, except on very specific occasions where a binder is agreed with the client.
Personal accident policies work in parallel among insurance companies; therefore, nothing happens.
Not necessarily; it depends on the risk of the negotiation conducted with the underwriter through the broker.
No, they’re issued on demand. An underwriter from the insurance company can provide guidance on the different coverage options offered.